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Blue Hummingbird

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Exploring the Wonders of Life/Universe

I am currently an Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of South Florida St. Petersburg

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A Little About Me

Multidisciplinary Researcher

I’m an applied  mathematician dedicating my life to exploring and researching the processes and scientific mechanisms underlying the world we live in. My research areas include mathematical modeling, dynamical systems, nonlinear networks, and optimal control. A significant focus of my work is on qualitative and quantitative studies of the nonlinear dynamics of coupled networks. The objective is to understand relations between the structure and dynamics of networks and apply this knowledge to gain insights into how complex biosystems respond to fast environmental changes, ecological stresses, and other effects. Applications of my research include epidemiology, ecology, neurosciences, environmental sustainability, and, recently, molecular dynamics. I have received several awards and grants for my research, with projects and publications that you can learn more about below.

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Orange Blossom
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My Research

From Theory to Reality

Theory and Applications of Nonlinear Networks

The main goal of Theory of Nonlinear Coupled Networks is to understand mathematical properties of networks and gain insights that may be useful in applied fields. What motivates the developing of networks abstract theory is the fact that networks arise naturally in many diverse fields and there are numerous examples showing that systems operate in a network structure. I have been advancing this area of research with  collaborators from Portugal and USA.

Tropical Shapes

Computational Molecular Dynamics

Building upon work done by international researchers, I recently teamed up with a group at Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Spain, to derive innovative  reversible multiple time-scale  splitting multi-stage integrators. A major advantage of this development  is to  design more effective
algorithms for enhancing the efficiency and accessible time scales of molecular dynamics simulations without affecting  a chosen statistical ensemble sampling performance.

Colorful Bubbles

Mathematical Ecology & Environmental Sustainability

In an effort to gain a better understanding of the impact of multiple and interacting stresses (disturbances) on the  viability of species in ecosystems I develop  quantitative and qualitative modelling approaches to investigate  the interactions among the external pressure and their effects on the ecosystem. I also propose and investigate  strategies to control   their adverse impact  and promote sustainability of the ecosystem. I test the theoretical outcomes on real data provided by collaborators-practitioners. This is a collaborative research line involving efforts of multiple national and international researchers  and led to several publications and other products such multiple grants, undergraduate research projects, research events  and talks at national and international conferences.


Mathematical Modeling of

Neural Control of Breathing

Collaboratively with researchers from New Zealand and USA, I am studying the mechanisms that underlie neural control of breathing, which are essential for many life activities but are not well understood. We are carrying-on the study  in

 a novel Boolean framework. The framework enables easy scaling of neural networks from animals to humans and does not depend on careful choice of parameters. This is a unique advantage of our framework over models that rely on differential equations, allowing us to integrate experiments in animals at the neural level with experiments in humans at the system level, and will lead to better

treatment of humans with cardio-respiratory diseases.


Bridging Natural Illumination & Human Health/Development

This is a "dream project."  I would like to collaboratively engage in projects related to this theme.

I  have been always intrigued by the role of daylight in the human physiology and health. My curiosity is related to  what are the impacts of natural light on physiology, behavior and health of humans?  Is natural light integrated to human perception only via visual input or are other pathways?  Can we uncover/understand  the processes behind those effects/pathways? Can we formulate mathematical model  to help shed light on this matter?

If you find these questions interesting and have ideas that we can explore together, I would love to hear about them.

Daylight Academy

The Leap
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Tropical Island View

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- 2022. (Population Dynamics) N Hritonenko, M Leite, Y Yatsenko. Optimal Harvesting in Age- and Size-Structured Population Models, in: Current Trends in Analysis, its Applications and Computation, Trends in Mathematics Cerejeiras, P., Reissig, M., Sabadini, I., Toft, J. (eds) Birkhäuser, Cham: Switzerland, pp. 11-18. 


- 2022. (Mathematical Ecology) M.C.A. Leite, B. Chen-Charpentier, F. B. Agusto, O. G. Gaoue, and N. Hritonenko. Viability of Pentadesma in reduced habitat ecosystems within two climatic regions with fruit harvesting. Journal of Biological Dynamics 16(1): 207-235.

- 2021. (Mathematical Ecology) M.C.A. Leite, R. Sauchuk, F. B. Agusto, O. G. Gaoue, and B. Chen-Charpentier.  Modeling the persistence of plant populations in fragmented ecosystems. Ecological Modelling 457. Doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2021.109681.

- 2021. (Sustainability/Intelligent Food) M. Van Erp​ wer, C. A. Martins, A. Kluczkovski, A. Frankowski, S. Bridle, R. B. Levy, F. Rauber, J. T. da Silva, U. Bosma.  Using Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence to explore the nutrition and sustainability of recipes and food. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. DOI:10.3389/frai.2020.621577.

- 2020. (Sustainability/Intelligent Food) D. A. de Toledo, L. d’Orazio, F. Andres, and M.C.A. Leite(2). Cooking related Carbon Footprint Evaluation and Optimisation. In the Workshop DOING: Intelligent Data – From Data to Knowledge Workshop, Lyon, France, Volume 1260.

- 2020. Sustainability/Intelligent Food) F. Andres, G. Ghinea, W. Grosky, and M.C.A. Leite. Overview of the 3rd DECOR Workshop. In 2020 IEEE 36th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW), 20-24 April 2020, Dallas, USA. Doi:10.1109/ICDEW49219.2020.9123828.

- 2020. (Mathematical Ecology) B. Chen-Charpentier, M.C.A. Leite, O. Gaoue, and F.B. Agusto.  Mathematical Modeling for Studying the Sustainability of Plants Subject to the Stress of Two Distinct Herbivores. AAM 15 (1).

- 2019. (Mathematical Neuroscience) A. Ben-Tal, Y. Wang, and M.C.A. Leite. 2019. The logic behind neural control of breathing pattern. Scientific Reports, 9(1); Doi:

- 2019. (Mathematical Epidemiology) F. Agusto and M.C.A. Leite. Optimal control and cost-effective analysis of the 2017 meningitis outbreak in Nigeria, Infectious Disease Modelling, 4:161-187; Doi:

2019. (Mathematical Epidemiology) F. Agusto, M.C.A. Leite, and M.E. Orive. The transmission dynamics of a within- and between-host malaria model, Ecological Complexity, 38:31-55; Doi:

- 2019. (Sustainability/Mathematical Ecology) N. Hritonenko and M.C.A. Leite. Paper on “Age- and size-structured models of population dynamics: optimal control and sustainability” @ 12th ISAAC Congress, July 29-Aug. 2, 2019, Aveiro, Portugal. Session: Applications of Dynamical Systems Theory in Biology.

- 2018. (Data Engineering/Intelligent Food) A. Fritzen, F. Andres, and M.C.A. Leite. 2018. Introducing Flavorlens: A Social Media Platform for Sharing Dish Observations. In 3rd International Workshop on Multisensory Approaches to Human-Food Interaction (MHFI’18), October 16, 2018 Boulder, CO, USA.  ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 4, 7 pages; Doi:

- 2018. (Mathematical Ecology) M.C.A. Leite, B. Chen-Charpentier, and F. Agusto.  Maximizing tree harvesting benefit from forests under insect infestation disturbances, PLoS ONE 13(8); Doi:

- 2017. (Mathematical Ecology) M.C.A. Leite, B. Chen-Charpentier, and F. Agusto.   A Mathematical model of tree harvesting in age-structured forest subject to beetle infestations, Comp. Appl. Math.; Doi:10.1007/s40314-017-0516-z.

- 2017. (Theory of Nonlinear Networks) Y. Wang, K. Chilakamarri, D. Kazakos, and M.C. A. Leite.  Communication on Dynamics:  network systems and their subnetworks, Proceeding of Nonlinear Theory and its Appl. Society.

- 2017. (Theory of Nonlinear Networks) Y. Wang, K. Chilakamarri, D. Kazakos, and M.C.A. Leite.  Relations between the dynamics of network systems and of their subnetworks, AIMS Mathematics, 2(3): 437-450; Doi:10.3934/Math.2017.2.437.

- 2014. (Mathematical Ecology) B. Chen-Charpentier and M.C. A. Leite.  A model for coupling fire and insect outbreaks in forests, Ecological Modelling, 286(24):26-36.

- 2014. (Mathematical Ecology) Y.P. Wang, B. Chen-Charpentier, W.R. Wieder, Y.Q. Luo, M.C.A. Leite, B.E. Medlyn, M. Rasmussen, M.J. Smith, F.B. Agusto, and F. Hoffman. Oscillatory behavior of two nonlinear microbial models of soil carbon decomposition, Biogeosciences, 11:1817-1831; Doi:10.5194/bgd-11-1817-2014.

2012. (Mathematical Ecology) M.C.A.  Leite, N. Petrov, and E. Weng.  Stationary distributions of semistochastic processes with disturbances at random times and random severity, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 13:497-512.

- 2012. (Mathematical Epidemiology) Z. Feng, J. Velasco-Hernandez, B. Tapia-Santos, and M. Leite.  A model for coupling within-host and between-host dynamics in an infectious disease, Nonlinear Dyn; Doi:10.1007/s11071-011-0291-0.

- 2011. (Mathematical Epidemiology) J. Velasco-Hernandez and M. Leite.  A model for SEIR diseases with social isolation, Salud Publica de Mexico, 53(1):40-47.

- 2010. (Theory of Nonlinear Networks) M. Leite and Y. Wang. Multistability, oscillations, and bifurcations in feedback loops, Math. Biosci. Eng., 7(1) (2010):83-97.

- 2009. (Theory of Nonlinear Networks) M.A.D. Aguiar, A.P.S. Dias, M. Golubistky, and M. Leite.  Bifurcations from regular quotient networks: a first insight, Physica D, 238:137-155.

- 2007. (Theory of Nonlinear Networks) M.A.D. Aguiar, A.P.S. Dias, M. Golubistky, and M. Leite. 2007. Homogeneous coupled cell networks with S3-symmetric quotient, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Supp.:1-9.

- 2006. (Theory of Nonlinear Networks) M. Leite and M. Golubitsky. 2006. Homogeneous three-cell networks, Nonlinearity, 19:2313-2363.

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